Tuesday, March 7, 2023


The Tabernacle: A Dwelling Place


   Have the people of Israel build me a holy sanctuary so I can live among them.

                                                                                          Exodus 25: 8 (NLT)



Think about all the effort the Israelites put into “making space for God”. It took nearly a year to complete the construction of the tabernacle.



  1. Once the tabernacle was completed as God has instructed, how did He respond? READ:  Exodus 39: 42 – 40: 35




  1. God’s move into the tabernacle had significant implications for His relationship with the Israelites and for His people today.


a.     Consider, for example, the many times Moses met with God at Mount Sinai: READ: Exodus 3: 1 – 4; 19: 3, 4, 16 – 20




b.    Where did God speak to Moses after the tabernacle was completed?  READ:  Exodus 25: 22;  Leviticus 1: 1;   Numbers 1: 1;  7: 89;  Deuteronomy 31: 14 – 16




c.     What does the fact that Moses never climbed Mount Sinai again to speak with God once the tabernacle was completed communicate to you about the importance of the tabernacle in God’s relationship with His people?




d.    In what sense do you think the way in which God chose to be present among His people in the tabernacle was a significant step toward what God’s people can experience today?




e.     To what extent are you experiencing a personal relationship with God?