
Maundy Thursday: On Maundy Thursday, believers remember the last meal Jesus Christ had with His disciples prior to His arrest and crucifixion. It is often called The Last Supper.  First, Jesus predicts what will happen on the next day. Second, Jesus gives His followers symbols of remembrance for His body and His blood sacrificed on behalf of all mankind. (Matthew 26: 17 - 29). Third, Jesus provides a very important principle for living a Christian life: the greatest are those who serve others, not those who expect to be served (Luke 22: 26).

Then Jesus went to the garden of Gethsemane to pray as He waited for His hour to come. It was here that Jesus, having been betrayed by Judas, was arrested and taken to several sham trials (Luke 22: 54 – 23: 25). Jesus endured six trials. Three of the trials were by Jewish leaders and three by the Romans (John 18: 12 - 14,  Mark 14: 53 - 65,  Mark 15: 1 - 5, Luke 23: 6 - 12,  Mark 15: 6 - 15).